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Ryzyko elastyczności czy elastyczność ryzyka? Instytucjonalna analiza kontraktów zatrudnienia

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A sociological analysis of work contracts in welfare state countries. It shows the process of institutionalisation of a work contract as economic, legal and social institution historically and comparatively. It discusses contemporary dilemmas connected... czytaj więcej

Ryzyko elastyczności czy elastyczność ryzyka? Instytucjonalna analiza kontraktów zatrudnienia

39,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2013
Publication language:
Number of page:
17x24 cm
510 g
Method of publication:
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
The Risk of Flexibility or the Flexibility of Risk? The Institutional Analysis of Work Contracts

A sociological analysis of work contracts in welfare state countries. It shows the process of institutionalisation of a work contract as economic, legal and social institution historically and comparatively. It discusses contemporary dilemmas connected with the development of flexible job market and untypical forms of employment, as well as the conditions for changes in job and employment forms in the future. The second part presents the results of research and analyses concerning the attitudes of young people toward untypical models of employment and the social consequences of job market flexibility.

Keywords: work contracts, employment flexibility, untypical forms of employment.

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