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Błędy popełniane przez Niemców uczących się języka polskiego. Analiza językowa na potrzeby glottodydaktyczne – EBOOK

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The monograph presents the classification of the most common errors made by the Germans in Polish and their detailed analysis in order to determine errors characteristic of this group. The analysis allows to form hypotheses regarding the sources... czytaj więcej

Błędy popełniane przez Niemców uczących się języka polskiego. Analiza językowa na potrzeby glottodydaktyczne – EBOOK

35,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2022
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4,2 MB
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Praca naukowa
Errors Made by the Germans Learning Polish. The Language Analysis for Glottodidactics

The monograph presents the classification of the most common errors made by the Germans in Polish and their detailed analysis in order to determine errors characteristic of this group. The analysis allows to form hypotheses regarding the sources of the errors, which are investigated using a list of interdependencies between the level of Polish language fluency and the type and/or source of the errors. The author also provides a list of issues which should be included in Polish language teaching programmes for German native speakers.

Keywords: language error, glottodidactics, Polish as a foreign language, the source of language errors, language interference.

See other books in the series: Studia Glottodydaktyczne »

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