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Przeszłość jako przedmiot wiedzy. Historia i filozofia w myśli średniowiecza – PDF

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The publication portrays the process of the shaping of modern concepts defining history as an academic discipline. The author moves beyond the issues of the formation of historical studies by presenting the changes in the social and world-view fabric whic... czytaj więcej

Przeszłość jako przedmiot wiedzy. Historia i filozofia w myśli średniowiecza – PDF

Krzysztof Pomian
Name of the series / journal: Communicare – historia i kultura
43,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2010
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3,33 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
The Past as an Object of Knowledge

The publication portrays the process of the shaping of modern concepts defining history as an academic discipline. The author moves beyond the issues of the formation of historical studies by presenting the changes in the social and world-view fabric which accompanied this process and conditioned it.

Keywords: medieval European history, medieval chronicles, historiography, Middle Ages, intellectual culture, branch of knowledge.

See other publications in the series: Communicare »

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