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Między dźwiękami Skalnego Podhala. Współczesna góralszczyzna – EBOOK

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This book is the outcome of the ethnographic field research conducted by the author in Skalne Podhale region in the years of 2011–2015. The analysis of the material collected during the research – the interlocutors’ statements and situations and events... czytaj więcej

Między dźwiękami Skalnego Podhala. Współczesna góralszczyzna – EBOOK

Maria Małanicz-Przybylska
Name of the series / journal: Badania etnograficzne
Date of realise: 2018-01-25
Place and year of publication: Warszawa 2018
39,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2018
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1,74 MB
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Praca naukowa
Between the Sounds of Skalne Podhale. Contemporary Highlander Culture

This book is the outcome of the ethnographic field research conducted by the author in Skalne Podhale region in the years of 2011–2015. The analysis of the material collected during the research – the interlocutors’ statements and situations and events observed, prompted the author to make an attempt to answer the questions about the meaning of musical tradition for the contemporary highlanders, its role in their everyday life as well as its impact on the process of self-determination and developing the local identity.

Keywords: Podhale, tradition, highlanders’ music, highlanders’ culture, anthropology of music.

See other publications from the series: Badania etnograficzne »

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