University of Warsaw Press

The University of Warsaw Press (Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, WUW) was founded in 1956 as an integral part of the University of Warsaw. We publish scholarly and educational books authored by the researchers from both the University of Warsaw and the other scientific centres. We also offer translations of the foreign titles that contribute to the development of science. Nowadays more and more our publications are available as e-books (including open access).

WUW publishes primarily the monographs (including doctoral dissertations and habilitation books), conference proceedings, academic textbooks, critical editions, and book series. About 150 books and a dozen journals are produced annually. They refer to specific issues within different fields of humanities and social science as well as natural and exact sciences. The mission of WUW is to provide the valuable scientific books to the Polish and global public, to promote the achievements of Polish scientists abroad and of foreign scientists in Poland, thus contributing to the international exchange in science. Every year our books get some editorial awards.

We use established scientific review procedures for all academic books, as well as the publishing ethics rules aimed at counteracting unfair publishing practices, in line with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In the editorial process we cooperate with the team of the highly qualified editors, graphic designers and DTP specialists who make our publications maintain the high editorial level.

WUW is included in the list of the publishers of reviewed academic monographs announced by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in January 2019.