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Doświadczanie czasu w przestrzeni archiwum

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The main problem discussed in the book is the experience of time deposited in the memory of culture – its texts, pre-texts and “beyond-texts” collected in archives. Memory is accompanied – also on a cultural scale – by forgetting. Both of these integrally... czytaj więcej

Doświadczanie czasu w przestrzeni archiwum

Danuta Ulicka
Name of the series / journal: Parabaza
59,00 zł
53.10 / 1egz.
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2024
Publication language:
Number of page:
14,5x21 cm
1005 g
Method of publication:
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Experiencing Time in the Archives

The main problem discussed in the book is the experience of time deposited in the memory of culture – its texts, pre-texts and “beyond-texts” collected in archives. Memory is accompanied – also on a cultural scale – by forgetting. Both of these integrally connected processes determine the topicality of past knowledge and its falling out of the currently dominant circuits, and sometimes unexpected returns. The subsequent chapters of the book, devoted to “oldvators” of literary criticism (mainly Mikhail Bakhtin, Roman Ingarden and Roman Jakobson), ask about their presence and the importance of their achievements today. The analyses of this unusual phenomenon on the Central and Eastern European scale – student scientific circles in which modern literary studies were born – serve to recover past perfect and transform it into past imperfect. Such a phenomenon are also literary terms born in the first decades of the 20th century, whose circulation in the world, penetration into the neighboring disciplines, semantic (and even name) shifts allow to trace not only the changing story of literary research, but also to ask a question about its identity. This identity, although seemingly unstable, as shown by studies spanning the entire century, appears to be surprisingly steady.

Keywords: archive, memory of culture, space-time of literary criticism, scientific circles of Polish philology students, literary terms.

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