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Zwrot ku Europie. Transformacje sfery publicznej w realnym socjalizmie 1975–1989 – EBOOK

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In the presented book Christian Domnitz analyses political journalism in the Polish People’s Republic, German Democratic Republic and Czechoslovakia from the signature of the CSCE Final Act in Helsinki in 1975 to the fall of communism in 1989. Comparing... czytaj więcej

Zwrot ku Europie. Transformacje sfery publicznej w realnym socjalizmie 1975–1989 – EBOOK

59,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2022
Publication language:
Title of original:
Hinwendung nach Europa. Öffentlichkeitswandel im Staatssozialismus 1975–1989
Scientific editor:
Pick Dominik
Gulińska-Jurgiel Paulina
Number of page:
Size of the file:
5,25 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
A Turn Towards Europe: Transformations of the Public Sphere in Real Socialism 1975-1989

In the presented book Christian Domnitz analyses political journalism in the Polish People’s Republic, German Democratic Republic and Czechoslovakia from the signature of the CSCE Final Act in Helsinki in 1975 to the fall of communism in 1989. Comparing the narratives of European communist parties and the underground press, he explains the meaning of different conceptions of Europe. He also shows their transformations, rivalry between them and the role of individual journalists.

Keywords: Polish People’s Republic, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, German Democratic Republic, intellectual history, conceptions of Europe, journalism, samizdat.

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