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Przestrzeń i obywatele Starej Warszawy od schyłku XV wieku do 1569 roku – EBOOK

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The work is a comprehensive study of the social topography of Old Warsaw at the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Early Modern Period. The times are characterised by fast social and spatial changes: the area of the city expands... czytaj więcej

Przestrzeń i obywatele Starej Warszawy od schyłku XV wieku do 1569 roku – EBOOK

39,00 zł
14.00 / 1egz.
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2020
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7,28 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Space and Citizens of Old Warsaw between the End of 15th Century and 1569

The work is a comprehensive study of the social topography of Old Warsaw at the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Early Modern Period. The times are characterised by fast social and spatial changes: the area of the city expands, the functions and the names of particular city regions are formed, immigrants from all directions seek here their place to settle down.

Keywords: Old Warsaw, the end of Middle Ages, the Early Modern Period, Warsaw citizens, urban space.

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