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Relacje między Hiszpanią a Polską w XVI wieku. Karol V i Filip II – Zygmunt I i Zygmunt II August

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Taking "Neapolitan sums" as the point of departure for his work, the author discusses the role and place of the Jagiellonian dynasty in Europe through the eyes of Charles V and Philip II. He shows a complicated international game of European rulers to win... czytaj więcej

Relacje między Hiszpanią a Polską w XVI wieku. Karol V i Filip II – Zygmunt I i Zygmunt II August

29.00 / 1egz.
In stock
Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2022
Publication language:
Title of original:
Relaciones entre Espana y Polonia durante el siglo XVI. Carlos V y Felipe II – Segismundo I y Segismundo II Augusto
Stoińska-Kairska Iwona
Ciechanowski Jan Stanisław
González Caizán Cristina
Number of page:
14,8x21 cm
360 g
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Polish-Spanish Relations in the 16th Century. Charles V and Philip II – Sigismund I and Sigismund II August

Taking "Neapolitan sums" as the point of departure for his work, the author discusses the role and place of the Jagiellonian dynasty in Europe through the eyes of Charles V and Philip II. He shows a complicated international game of European rulers to win land in southern Italy. The Jagiellonians play it together with the State of the Church, Habsburg Spain, the emperor, the French monarchs and the Italian princes.

Keywords: Jagiellonians, House of Habsburg, southern Italy, 16th century, "Neapolitan sums", Spanish-Polish relations.

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