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Upadek cywilizacji zachodniej – PDF

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Three works by Florian Znaniecki: The fall of Western civilisation, Organisation of working citizens, and Poland in global crisis, written just after World War I and the Russian revolution. It is an in-depth description of the state of contemporary... czytaj więcej

Upadek cywilizacji zachodniej – PDF

Florian Znaniecki
Scientific editor: Ciżewska Elżbieta
Place and year of publication: Warszawa 2013
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2013
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Praca naukowa
The fall of Western civilisation

Three works by Florian Znaniecki: The fall of Western civilisation, Organisation of working citizens, and Poland in global crisis, written just after World War I and the Russian revolution. It is an in-depth description of the state of contemporary culture and a programme of its rescue, comprising an original testimony to the hopes accompanying the rebirth of Poland after World War I and the unrest caused by the crisis in Europe. A testimony to the debates of European elites, preoccupied with their own fate and that of their world.

Keywords: Polish culture after World War I, cultural crisis in 20th-century Europe, culture in crisis.

See other publications in the series: Genealogia współczesności. Historia idei w Polsce 1815-1939 »

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