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Polskie przekłady Shakespeare'a w XIX wieku. Część I: Zasoby, strategie, recepcja (PDF)

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The first volume of the electronic publication is part of the digital repository "Polski Szekspir UW", which provides access to all Polish 19th-century Shakespeare translations as well as to case studies reconstructing their origin and reception. The book... czytaj więcej

Polskie przekłady Shakespeare'a w XIX wieku. Część I: Zasoby, strategie, recepcja (PDF)

Anna Cetera-Włodarczyk, Alicja Kosim
Date of realise: 2019-03-22
Open access
Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2019
Publication language:
Number of page:
Method of publication:
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Open access
The 19th Century Translations of William Shakespeare’s Plays in Poland. Part 1. Resources, Strategies and Reception

The first volume of the electronic publication is part of the digital repository Polski Szekspir UW (, which provides access to all Polish 19th-century Shakespeare translations as well as to case studies reconstructing their origin and reception.

The book offers a comprehensive account of the history of the Polish translations of Shakespeare’s plays in the 19th century and consists of 27 chapters focused on individual translation endeavors viewed with regard to translation strategy, biographical context and critical reception. The authors study the dynamics and complexity of broadly understood assimilation processes of foreign literature into a national culture, with special emphasis on the evolution of literary tastes, conventions and theatrical needs.

The book also offers an updated account of the Polish translation resources, invites extensive comparative analyses and positions Polish reception against pan-European trends. This refers in particular to the relation between literary criticism and translation practices, the shaping pressure of literary and staging conventions, the specificity of individual translator strategies and mechanisms governing the canonization of literature in translation.

The publication is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Poland license (CC BY 3.0 PL) (full license available at:

Keywords: Shakespeare, literary translation, translation strategies, Shakespeare translations, drama reception, drama translation.
