

Ruś wikingów. Skandynawowie we wczesnośredniowiecznej Europie Wschodniej79,00 zł
71,10 zł
- A new, supplemented and corrected Polish translation of the classic publication "The Viking Rus". The author talks about the beginnings of statehood in Eastern Europe and about the role Scandinavians played in it. He presents and discusses in detail rich

Młodzież z „dobrych domów”, chłopaki ze „złych dzielnic”. Warszawskie topografie39,00 zł
35,10 zł
- The publication is devoted to autobiographical texts whose writers identified themselves with either ‘good homes’ or ‘bad districts’ of the 20th century Warsaw. It analyses the self-narratives of Jeremi Przybora, Jarosław Abramow-Newerly, Agnieszka

Korespondencja Jana Długosza. Epistulae a Ioanne Dlugossio scriptae et receptae95,00 zł
85,50 zł
- The presented volume contains the first full edition of the correspondence of Jan Długosz (d. 1480), the most eminent historian of late medieval Poland. The publication comprises 43 letters: 37 written by Długosz and 6 addressed to him. Of