Information about a product
Edition: | 1 |
Place and year of publication: | Warszawa 2013 |
Publication language: | polski |
Title of original: | Evidence-Based Addiction Treatment |
Translator: | Józefowicz Elżbieta |
ISBN/ISSN: | 978-83-235-1313-1 |
EAN: | 9788323513131 |
Number of page: | 508 |
Size of the file: | 5,15 MB |
Publication type: | Podręcznik akademicki |
DOI: | |
Addiction therapy: Evidence-based methods
A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
Keywords: therapy, addictions, addiction psychotherapy.
A review of modern methods of treating addictions, the effectiveness of which had been confirmed in rigorous scientific studies. The publication is aimed at people providing treatment for addicted individuals and also for those preparing to obtain appropriate certifications (specialists in addiction psychotherapy and addiction therapy instructors, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors and clinicians whose patients can be people with addictions), scientists studying the mechanisms and efficiency of addiction therapy, as well as addicted individuals and their loved ones.
Keywords: therapy, addictions, addiction psychotherapy.
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