Information about a product
Edition: | 1 |
Place and year of publication: | Warszawa 2020 |
Publication language: | polski |
ISBN/ISSN: | 978-83-235-4346-6 |
EAN: | 9788323543466 |
Number of page: | 334 |
Size of the file: | 1,96 MB |
Publication type: | Praca naukowa |
DOI: | |
Fires in the Cities of Polish Republic in the 16th to 18th Centuries and Their Economic, Social and Cultural Consequences. A Catalogue
The presented catalogue is the first attempt in Polish historiography to collect complete information concerning fires of cities and towns in the Polish Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th to 18th centuries. It includes data on nearly five thousand fires, two thousand of which are described in more detail.
Keywords: fires, Commonwealth of Poland, Crown of the Polish Kingdom, Grand Duchy of Lithuanian, natural disasters, early modern period.
See also: Fires in the Cities of Polish Republic in the 16th to 18th Centuries and Their Economic, Social and Cultural Consequences »
The presented catalogue is the first attempt in Polish historiography to collect complete information concerning fires of cities and towns in the Polish Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th to 18th centuries. It includes data on nearly five thousand fires, two thousand of which are described in more detail.
Keywords: fires, Commonwealth of Poland, Crown of the Polish Kingdom, Grand Duchy of Lithuanian, natural disasters, early modern period.
See also: Fires in the Cities of Polish Republic in the 16th to 18th Centuries and Their Economic, Social and Cultural Consequences »
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