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Srebro i herbata. Japońskie elity kupieckie Hakaty i Sakai w relacjach z wojownikami w drugiej połowie XVI wieku

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The book discusses the story of two most important self-governing merchant cities in Japan: Hakata and Sakai and presents the characteristics and the ethos of merchant elites leading those cities in the second half of the 16th century. The merchants, who... czytaj więcej

Srebro i herbata. Japońskie elity kupieckie Hakaty i Sakai w relacjach z wojownikami w drugiej połowie XVI wieku

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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2020
Publication language:
Number of page:
17x24 cm
540 g
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Silver and Tea. Japanese Merchant Elites of Hakata and Sakai and Their Relationships with Warriors in the Second Half of the 16th Century

The book discusses the story of two most important self-governing merchant cities in Japan: Hakata and Sakai and presents the characteristics and the ethos of merchant elites leading those cities in the second half of the 16th century. The merchants, who wanted to strengthen their social position, built relationships with warriors seeking to seize power over the country, using not only their fortunes and influence on trade, but also the tea drinking ceremony ("chanoyu") and its symbolic language.

Keywords: Japan, history of Japan, merchants, warriors/samurai, tea drinking ceremony, Hakata, Sakai.

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