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Mieszczanie i podatki. Nierówności majątkowe w wybranych miastach Korony w XVII wieku – EBOOK

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The monograph is concerned with the population and buildings of five big cities of the Polish Crown (Warsaw, Cracow, Poznan, Lublin and Lviv) in the light of taxes imposed on their inhabitants. The analysis of the state of the tenements and wealth... czytaj więcej

Mieszczanie i podatki. Nierówności majątkowe w wybranych miastach Korony w XVII wieku – EBOOK

39,00 zł
14.00 / 1egz.
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2020
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17,34 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Townspeople and Taxes. Wealth Inequalities in Chosen Cities of the Polish Crown in the 17th Century

The monograph is concerned with the population and buildings of five big cities of the Polish Crown (Warsaw, Cracow, Poznan, Lublin and Lviv) in the light of taxes imposed on their inhabitants. The analysis of the state of the tenements and wealth inequalities indicates the consequences of the destruction during the so-called Deluge in the economic history of the Polish Commonwealth and explores the differences between the cities before and after the Swedish invasion.

Keywords: Commonwealth of Poland in the 17th century, modern city, taxes, wealth inequalities, Polish Crown, economy during the Swedish Deluge.

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