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Geologiczna historia Polski, wyd. 2 – PDF

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The book describes successive stages of Poland’s geological history: from accretion of the crystalline basement nearly 2 billion years ago to recent times and the near future. Present geological structure of the country is shown as the result... czytaj więcej

Geologiczna historia Polski, wyd. 2 – PDF

59,00 zł
41.30 / 1egz.
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2, poprawione
Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2021
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Size of the file:
11,2 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Geological History of Poland

The book describes successive stages of Poland’s geological history: from accretion of the crystalline basement nearly 2 billion years ago to recent times and the near future. Present geological structure of the country is shown as the result of overlapping processes and events, using earlier tectonic patterns and structures. Historical phases are discussed against the current chronostratigraphy, in the continental and partly even global context. The author refers to the results of latest geophysical and geological research.

Keywords: geology of Poland, geological events, stratigraphy, tectonics, European context, global context.

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