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Zasada zaspokajania bytowych i socjalnych potrzeb pracownika w zakładowych źródłach prawa pracy w odniesieniu do rodzicielstwa / The principle of satisfying the living and social needs of the employee in the company's sources of law – PDF

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The monograph, appreciated by specialists in the fields of social policy and labour law, introduces a new area of knowledge in the field of labour law and allows for an empirical assessment of the types of policies applied by enterprises in the area... czytaj więcej

Zasada zaspokajania bytowych i socjalnych potrzeb pracownika w zakładowych źródłach prawa pracy w odniesieniu do rodzicielstwa / The principle of satisfying the living and social needs of the employee in the company's sources of law – PDF

Open access
Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2021
Publication language:
Number of page:
Size of the file:
3,52 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Open access
The principle of satisfying the living and social needs of the employee in the company's sources of law with respect to parenthood

The monograph, appreciated by specialists in the fields of social policy and labour law, introduces a new area of knowledge in the field of labour law and allows for an empirical assessment of the types of policies applied by enterprises in the area of parental benefits. The approach proposed by the authors allows us to assess the expected path of changes in the regulation of this sphere of employment relations. The combination of various research perspectives with the relevance of this research and its social significance can constitute a contribution to the development of legal and other social sciences and help in the practice of business management.

The publication is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Poland license (CC BY 3.0 PL) (full license available at:

Keywords: labour law, employee social needs, employee subsistence needs, child caregivers benefits, flexible working time.
