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Stałe motywy metafizyczne w twórczości Mariny Cwietajewej

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The analysis of metaphysical motifs in Marina Tsvetaeva’s lyric poetry, their occurrence and tendency to continuous metamorphosis. Tsvetaeva made a profound change in understanding the essence of the 20th century poetry and her reflections on the world... czytaj więcej

Stałe motywy metafizyczne w twórczości Mariny Cwietajewej

61,00 zł
54.90 / 1egz.
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2021
Publication language:
Number of page:
17x24 cm
700 g
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Constant Metaphysical Motifs in Marina Tsvetaeva’s Works

The analysis of metaphysical motifs in Marina Tsvetaeva’s lyric poetry, their occurrence and tendency to continuous metamorphosis. Tsvetaeva made a profound change in understanding the essence of the 20th century poetry and her reflections on the world and man’s place in it brought her closer to philosophy. The motifs she used had been present in philosophical discourse as they referred to such notions as space and time, body and soul, life and death, light and darkness, silence and sound, god. To a scholar and a reader Tsvetaeva’s poetry means constant discovering and decoding senses and emotions hidden in sophisticated words.

Keywords: Marina Tsvetaeva, Russian literature, modernism, metaphysics.

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