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Nigdy u siebie. Socjologia powrotów do grupy własnej po upadku ZSRR na przykładzie repatriacji społeczności kazachstańskich Polaków osiedlających się w Rosji, Niemczech i Polsce w ramach rządowych systemów repatriacji

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The book describes the local community of the descendants of the Poles who, in 1936, were forced to relocate from the Ukrainian SSR to Northern Kazakhstan. After the fall of the USSR, when the Polish political elites did not take effective steps... czytaj więcej

Nigdy u siebie. Socjologia powrotów do grupy własnej po upadku ZSRR na przykładzie repatriacji społeczności kazachstańskich Polaków osiedlających się w Rosji, Niemczech i Polsce w ramach rządowych systemów repatriacji

99,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2021
Publication language:
Number of page:
17x24 cm
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Never at Home. The Sociology of Returns to the Own Group After the Fall of the USSR on the Example of the Polish Community in Kazakhstan Settling Down in Russia, Germany and Poland Within Governmental Repatriation Systems

The book describes the local community of the descendants of the Poles who, in 1936, were forced to relocate from the Ukrainian SSR to Northern Kazakhstan. After the fall of the USSR, when the Polish political elites did not take effective steps, the so-called Polish spiecpieresieleńcy made various attempts to repatriate not only within the Polish, but also Russian and German repatriation systems. The multimillion scale and the wide geographical range of the process itself give the author grounds for claiming that the sociology of returns to the own group against the background of other migration directions was clearly distinct.

Keywords: spiecpieresieleńcy, the repatriation of The Poles from Kazakhstan, repatriation systems.

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