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Mikroekonomia. Zbiór zadań

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"Microeconomics. Collection of Assignments" by Tomasz Zalega is a supplement to his book entitled "Microeconomics" published by the University of Warsaw Faculty of Management Press in 2016. The structure of this collection is consistent... czytaj więcej

Mikroekonomia. Zbiór zadań

99,75 zł
89.78 / 1egz.
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2022
Publication language:
Number of page:
17,6x25 cm [eng]
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Microeconomics. Collection of Assignments

Microeconomics. Collection of Assignments by Tomasz Zalega is a supplement to his book entitled Microeconomics published by the University of Warsaw Faculty of Management Press in 2016. The structure of this collection is consistent with that of the said handbook (namely Microeconomics) in formal and content-related terms. It fully covers the theory of microeconomics that is to be taught at master's and doctoral studies at universities. The set of assignments is complete and includes all elementary issues of the contemporary theory of microeconomics. Its main purpose is to help students learn microeconomics on their own. By completing the assignments, students can verify their knowledge, learn more about microeconomic relationships and gain the ability to apply that knowledge in practice.

This collection of assignments is addressed primarily to students of economics in such faculties as: economics, economic analytics, social analytics, banking and insurance, finance and accounting, international economic relations, spatial planning, logistics and management. The scope of knowledge it contains is correlated with the microeconomics syllabus taught in most economic universities in Poland. It can also be successfully used by students of computer science and econometrics, law and administration, sociology, political science, European studies, social policy or journalism and social communication.

Keywords: poetry, Lemko language, Silesian language, literature of the minorities, Lemkos.

See also: Mikroekonomia (podręcznik) »

MikroekonomiaZalega Tomasz (ORCID 0000-0002-7488-1184)
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