Information about a product
Edition: | 1 |
Place and year of publication: | Warszawa 2023 |
Publication language: | polski |
ISBN/ISSN: | 978-83-235-6097-5 |
EAN: | 9788323560975 |
Number of page: | 114 |
Method of publication: | EPUB |
Size of the file: | 1,42 MB |
Publication type: | Praca naukowa |
DOI: | |
Go and Come at the Same Time. Four Essays on Criticism of Therapeutic Policy
Modern political semantics is based, among others, on re-semantics of Aristotelian kinesis. All “-isms”, all parties, all ideologies are, following Koselleck, the notions of movement: they assume the mobilization of citizens towards goals that can be achieved in time, which results in the constant dialectics between stagnation and social mobility. How does kinetic politics influence a democratic system? How does the widespread activation of bodies and minds affect the mental state of individuals? Is there, following Lasch, a relation between mobility and narcissism? Has politics become a form of disease therapy? Is politics not one of the sources of disease? Or, perhaps, politics is about a certain praxis and not a movement?
Keywords: political semantics, politics, a democratic system, political philosophy, mobility.
Modern political semantics is based, among others, on re-semantics of Aristotelian kinesis. All “-isms”, all parties, all ideologies are, following Koselleck, the notions of movement: they assume the mobilization of citizens towards goals that can be achieved in time, which results in the constant dialectics between stagnation and social mobility. How does kinetic politics influence a democratic system? How does the widespread activation of bodies and minds affect the mental state of individuals? Is there, following Lasch, a relation between mobility and narcissism? Has politics become a form of disease therapy? Is politics not one of the sources of disease? Or, perhaps, politics is about a certain praxis and not a movement?
Keywords: political semantics, politics, a democratic system, political philosophy, mobility.
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