Information about a product
Edition: | 1 |
Place and year of publication: | Warszawa 2023 |
ISBN/ISSN: | 978-83-235-6006-7 |
EAN: | 9788323560067 |
Number of page: | 104 |
Binding: | Miękka |
Format: | 21x29,7 cm |
Weight: | 380 g |
Hi There! Warsaw in Polish: LEVEL B1: A Work Book for Persons Preparing Polish as a Foreign Language Certificate Exam
Based on material aimed at adult students, this book helps prepare for B1-level Polish as a Foreign Language Certificate Exam. The sets of exercises, focusing on listening and reading comprehension, grammar, writing and speaking, follow the requirements of the Polish certification system, in their adult-oriented version. The material focuses on Poland’s capital Warsaw, its history and present day, its people, topography, and social and cultural space.
Keywords: Polish as a foreign language, foreigners, B1 certificate, Warsaw
Based on material aimed at adult students, this book helps prepare for B1-level Polish as a Foreign Language Certificate Exam. The sets of exercises, focusing on listening and reading comprehension, grammar, writing and speaking, follow the requirements of the Polish certification system, in their adult-oriented version. The material focuses on Poland’s capital Warsaw, its history and present day, its people, topography, and social and cultural space.
Keywords: Polish as a foreign language, foreigners, B1 certificate, Warsaw
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