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Świadomość międzykulturowa. Od militaryzacji antropologii do antropologizacji wojska - pdf

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The author analyses from an anthropological and a military perspective the shaping of cross-cultural awareness as well as the forms and methods of its implementation within multinational military contingents.... czytaj więcej

Świadomość międzykulturowa. Od militaryzacji antropologii do antropologizacji wojska - pdf

Hanna Schreiber
Place and year of publication: Warszawa 2013
61,01 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2013
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4,2 MB
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Praca naukowa
Cross-cultural awareness: From the militarization of anthropology to the anthropologization of the military

The author analyses from an anthropological and a military perspective the shaping of cross-cultural awareness as well as the forms and methods of its implementation within multinational military contingents. She also attempts to evaluate the impact of taking into account the cultural factor on the effectiveness of operations conducted by international military forces. She portrays the decreasing importance of technological advantage over intangible issues. In such a situation the cultural factor plays a fundamental role, proving that it is necessary to “rearm” soldiers in cultural and cross-cultural awareness. This tool should be a means to an end, which is restoring safety and growth opportunities – with respect for local cultural norms – in countries troubled by long-term violence, poverty and a lack of perspectives for civilians.

Keywords:international military operations, cultural anthropology

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