Information about a product
Edition: | 1 |
Place and year of publication: | Warszawa 2009 |
Publication language: | polski |
ISBN/ISSN: | 978-83-235-1511-1 |
EAN: | 9788323515111 |
Number of page: | 324 |
Size of the file: | 2,88 MB |
Publication type: | Praca naukowa |
DOI: | |
Orality and mnemonics. Late Baroque in Polish culture
It is a "communicative" story of how the meeting point of orality and literary culture functioned in the Saxon times. Using theoretical apparatus provided by the works of Walter J. Ong, Eric A. Havelock, Frances A. Yates, Edward T. Hall and others made it possible to notice an element of a wider process in the phenomenon of "retreat" of printing in favor of handwritten circulation – an element of counterattack by the world of memory art and orality, being a response to the successes of the spreading analytical world of writing. Both a certain comprehensive model - which we used to call the "age of manuscripts" - and strategies of artistic communication were discussed, for example, late-Baroque "talking" pictures, the proxemic dimension of the old Polish pompae funebris, domination of the episodic plot in the then drama, the habit of communicating ready-made content-versification "prefabricates" by successive generations of contemporary poets or their use of iconographic patterns of memory.
Keywords: orality, literacy, writing, mnemonics, memory, theater.
See other books in the series: Communicare – historia i kultura »
It is a "communicative" story of how the meeting point of orality and literary culture functioned in the Saxon times. Using theoretical apparatus provided by the works of Walter J. Ong, Eric A. Havelock, Frances A. Yates, Edward T. Hall and others made it possible to notice an element of a wider process in the phenomenon of "retreat" of printing in favor of handwritten circulation – an element of counterattack by the world of memory art and orality, being a response to the successes of the spreading analytical world of writing. Both a certain comprehensive model - which we used to call the "age of manuscripts" - and strategies of artistic communication were discussed, for example, late-Baroque "talking" pictures, the proxemic dimension of the old Polish pompae funebris, domination of the episodic plot in the then drama, the habit of communicating ready-made content-versification "prefabricates" by successive generations of contemporary poets or their use of iconographic patterns of memory.
Keywords: orality, literacy, writing, mnemonics, memory, theater.
See other books in the series: Communicare – historia i kultura »
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