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Ona jeszcze mówi po polsku, ale śmieje się po hebrajsku. Partyjna prasa polskojęzyczna i integracja kulturowa polskich Żydów w Izraelu (1948–1970) – EBOOK

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The book is an innovative study of the political history of Polish Jews in Israel, their cultural and intellectual heritage. It shows the process of adaptation of Polish Jews in Israeli society, transformation of their attitudes and views (in particular... czytaj więcej

Ona jeszcze mówi po polsku, ale śmieje się po hebrajsku. Partyjna prasa polskojęzyczna i integracja kulturowa polskich Żydów w Izraelu (1948–1970) – EBOOK

59,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2015
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4,16 MB
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Praca naukowa
She Still Speaks in Polish, but Laughs in Hebrew. The Party Polish-Language Press and Cultural Integration of Polish Jews in Israel (1948–1970)

The book is an innovative study of the political history of Polish Jews in Israel, their cultural and intellectual heritage. It shows the process of adaptation of Polish Jews in Israeli society, transformation of their attitudes and views (in particular those of former communists) against the background of the Israeli political system, and their functioning in a clientelist network of party dependencies. It also presents biographies of journalists and authors of Jewish origin who left for Israel after World War II.

Keywords: Polish Jews, Israel, history of Israel, Polish press in Israel, Poles in Israel.

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  • The volume contains the underground press published by Hechalutz-Dror and Gordonia, youth organizations politically affiliated with the Labor Zionism and belonging to the Hechalutz movement which trained pioneers for work in agricultural collective farms
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