Information about a product
Edition: | 1 |
Place and year of publication: | Warszawa 2015 |
Publication language: | polski |
Title of original: | Kirakira hikaru |
Translator: | Bajer Amy |
ISBN/ISSN: | 978-83-235-1869-3 |
EAN: | 9788323518693 |
Number of page: | 124 |
Size of the file: | 1,38 MB |
Publication type: | Beletrystyka |
Twinkle Twinkle
A contemporary novel of the Japanese author Kaori Ekuni in Polish translation by Amy Bajer, showing the struggle of a young, unconventional married couple for their place in society. The author portrays a case study of mariage blanc, euphemistically referred to as „hugging water” in Japanese culture. She draws attention to the limitations placed on one’s freedom of displaying attitudes that are opposed to the traditional model of the family in Japanese culture.
Keywords: hugging water, Cezanne, Shoko, Mutsuhito, Kon, whisky, yuka, emotional instability.
A contemporary novel of the Japanese author Kaori Ekuni in Polish translation by Amy Bajer, showing the struggle of a young, unconventional married couple for their place in society. The author portrays a case study of mariage blanc, euphemistically referred to as „hugging water” in Japanese culture. She draws attention to the limitations placed on one’s freedom of displaying attitudes that are opposed to the traditional model of the family in Japanese culture.
Keywords: hugging water, Cezanne, Shoko, Mutsuhito, Kon, whisky, yuka, emotional instability.
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