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Księstwo Warszawskie (1807-1815) (PDF)

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A synthesis of the history of the Duchy of Warsaw. The author presents the political history of the Duchy, its role in Napoleon’s geopolitical Empire and the international political relations of that era.... czytaj więcej

Księstwo Warszawskie (1807-1815) (PDF)

Jarosław Czubaty
Name of the series / journal: Biblioteka Humanisty
67,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2011
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3,31 MB
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Praca naukowa
Duchy of Warsaw (1807–1815)

A synthesis of the history of the Duchy of Warsaw. The author presents the political history of the Duchy, its role in Napoleon’s geopolitical Empire and the international political relations of that era. He discusses military issues, constitutional solutions and administrative models adopted in the new state, as well as its social problems, cultural, civilizational and mentality-related transformations. The author portrays the political attitudes of Poles living in the discussed period. He analyzes economic matters, especially the economic crisis of the Duchy.

Keywords: Duchy of Warsaw, Napoleon, Napoleonic Code, economy, modernization, army, legal equality, 19th century, Napoleonic era.

See other publications in the series: Biblioteka Humanisty »

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