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Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XXIII/1. Research 2011 (PDF)

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Część 1 tomu XXIII zawiera raporty z prac Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej UW (sezon 2011). Badania wykopaliskowe i prace konserwatorskie prowadzono na stanowiskach w Egipcie (Aleksandria, Marea, Marina el-Alamein, Tell el-Retaba, Tell el-Farcha... czytaj więcej

Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XXIII/1. Research 2011 (PDF)

Praca zbiorowa
Name of the series / journal: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean (PAM)
120,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2014
Publication language:
Zych Iwona
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Size of the file:
521,92 MB
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Praca naukowa
Część 1 tomu XXIII zawiera raporty z prac Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej UW (sezon 2011). Badania wykopaliskowe i prace konserwatorskie prowadzono na stanowiskach w Egipcie (Aleksandria, Marea, Marina el-Alamein, Tell el-Retaba, Tell el-Farcha, Tell el-Murra, Sakkara, Naklun, Deir el-Bahari, Dachla i Berenike), w Sudanie (Stara Dongola, Banganarti i el-Zuma), na Cyprze (Nea Paphos), w Libanie (Bejrut) i w Syrii (Palmyra) oraz w regionie Al-Subiyah w Kuwejcie. Datowanie stanowisk: od epoki brązu po późne średniowiecze.

W części Studies dostępne są opracowania naczyń ceramicznych z Egiptu i Iraku, marmurowych z Libanu oraz artykuł na temat hellenistycznych fortyfikacji w ptolemejskim porcie Berenike nad Morzem Czerwonym.


The latest volume of Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean (PAM) is divided into two fascicles. This part, XXIII/1 contains 30 papers reporting on the work of Polish archaeological expeditions cooperating with the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw in the season of 2011. The articles detail the results of excavations, conservation activities and archaeological surveys on 11 sites in Egypt (Alexandria, Marea, Marina el-Alamein, Tell el-Retaba, Tell el-Farha, Tell el-Murra, Saqqara, Naqlun, Deir el-Bahari, Dakhla and Berenike), three sites in Sudan (Old Dongola, Banganarti and el-Zuma) and one each on Cyprus (Nea Paphos), Lebanon (Beirut) and Syria (Palmyra), as well as in the Al-Subiyah region in Kuwait. Dating of the sites mentioned in the volume ranges from the Bronze Age to late Middle Ages.

Among the five articles in the Studies section, four are devoted to the analysis of pottery (from Tell Arbid in Syria, Naqlun in Egypt and the Bijan Island in Iraq) and marble vessels (from Jiyeh in Labanon). The fifth paper discusses Hellenistic fortifications in the Ptolemaic Red Sea port of Berenike.

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