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Religia w nowoczesnym państwie demokratycznym – szansa czy zagrożenie? Analiza sporu liberałów i komunitarian – EBOOK

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Analysis of discussions regarding the contemporary significance of religion for a democratic state and its forms and conditions of presence in the public sphere. The author explores the religious and non-religious foundations of a constitutional state... czytaj więcej

Religia w nowoczesnym państwie demokratycznym – szansa czy zagrożenie? Analiza sporu liberałów i komunitarian – EBOOK

27,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2017
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0,54 MB
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Praca naukowa
Religion in a Modern Democratic State – a Chance or a Threat? The Analysis of the Dispute between Liberals and Communitarians

The analysis of the discussion on the significance of religion for the contemporary democratic state and its forms of presence in the public sphere. The author examines the religious and non-religious foundations of the constitutional state that affect the condition of the system. Referring to the dispute between the liberals and the communitarians about the idea of justice in the society, the author makes an attempt to develop the current polemics with new arguments.

Keywords: democracy, constitutional state, political philosophy, liberalism, communitarianism, religion.

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