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Wyzwania glottodydaktyki polonistycznej. "Życie zaczyna się po sześćdziesiątce…" - EBOOK

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The authors (linguists, literary scholars, culture experts, comparatists, Slavists, speech language therapists, doctors) respond to the challenges of Polish glottodidactics with regard to six subject areas: developing linguistic competence, integration... czytaj więcej

Wyzwania glottodydaktyki polonistycznej. "Życie zaczyna się po sześćdziesiątce…" - EBOOK

Redakcja naukowa: Paulina Potasińska, Magdalena Stasieczek-Górna
Name of the series / journal: Studia Glottodydaktyczne
Date of realise: 2018-07-16
Scientific editor of series: Zych Justyna
Scientific editor of volume: Potasińska Paulina, Stasieczek-Górna Magdalena
38,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2018
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2,21 MB
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Praca naukowa
Challenges of Polish Glottodidactics. “Life Begins at Sixty…”

The authors (linguists, literary scholars, culture experts, comparatists, Slavists, speech language therapists, doctors) respond to the challenges of Polish glottodidactics with regard to six subject areas: developing linguistic competence, integration, cultural mediation, literary genres, special needs of learners and teaching practice. The volume initiates the series Studia Glottodydaktyczne [Glottodidactic Studies] prepared by POLONICUM at the University of Warsaw.

Keywords: glottodidactics, linguistic competence, integration, cultural mediation, didactics.

See other books in the series: Studia Glottodydaktyczne »

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