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Grafen. Otrzymywanie, charakterystyka, zastosowania – PDF

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The first Polish monograph book on graphene. The subsequent chapters examine the following graphene aspects: graphene within the current nanotechnology, history of its discovery, methods of synthesis (including commercial production), characterization... czytaj więcej

Grafen. Otrzymywanie, charakterystyka, zastosowania – PDF

Andrzej Huczko, Agnieszka Dąbrowska, Magdalena Kurcz
Name of the series / journal: Świat Nanotechnologii
Date of realise: 2016-06-04
Place and year of publication: Warszawa 2016
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Warszawa 2016
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Praca naukowa
Graphene. Preparation, characteristics, applications

The first Polish monograph book on graphene. The subsequent chapters examine the following graphene aspects: graphene within the current nanotechnology, history of its discovery, methods of synthesis (including commercial production), characterization, current and prospective applications. Other 2D layered materials are also separately presented as well as the review regarding graphene patenting, which has recently exploded with a high number of patents.

Graphene was discovered only 12 years ago as a novel elemental form of carbon. It has a two-dimensional layered structure composed of carbon atoms which possess exceptional physical and chemical properties. Graphene has been recently called the most prospective material of the 21st century, inter alia, due to its outstanding electronic, optical and mechanical properties, which pave the way to numerous potential applications. Such high expectations were highlighted by the fact that graphene discoverers were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010.

Written in an accessible language and richly illustrated, the book is addressed to a wide audience: students and research staff of universities and technical universities, research workers of different (including PAS) institutes, producers in the field of electronics, optics, materials science, chemistry and chemical technology. It can also engage the readers following new trends in technics and materials science. A vast bibliography (almost 2,000 references) will also enable the direct access to more advanced science concerning this exceptional nanocarbon.

Keywords: graphene, nanotechnology, carbon nanostructures, strength of materials, solid state physicochemistry.

See other publications in the series: Świat Nanotechnologii »


Award of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology for the best academic publication in the field of technical and exact sciences awarded at the ACADEMIA 2017 Fair.

Academia2017b Academia2017a

Andrzej Huczko,
Nanotechnologia: Dlaczego…?

Magdalena Kurcz,
Nie tylko grafen

Andrzej Huczko,
Otrzymywanie grafenu

Andrzej Huczko,
Patenty w dziedzinie grafenu

Agnieszka Dąbrowska,
Właściwości grafenu

Andrzej Huczko,

Agnieszka Dąbrowska,
Zastosowania grafenu

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