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Dźwięk w filmie. Między sztuką a rzemiosłem – EBOOK

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A cross-sectional analysis of issues related to the ontology of sound in film. Using the definition of art formulated by Władysław Tatarkiewicz, the author discusses methods of creation, function and perception of the sound layer as well as its importance... czytaj więcej

Dźwięk w filmie. Między sztuką a rzemiosłem – EBOOK

Jacek Pająk
Author: Pająk Jacek
Date of realise: 2018-03-02
Place and year of publication: Warszawa 2018
25,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2018
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Praca naukowa
Sound on Screen. Between Art and Craft

A cross-sectional analysis of issues related to the ontology of sound in film. Using the definition of art formulated by Władysław Tatarkiewicz, the author discusses methods of creation, function and perception of the sound layer as well as its importance in creating film reality. The subject matter, presented from a cognitive perspective, relates to auditory construction of the film form, the creation of the aesthetic experience and expressing emotions.

Keywords: sound in film, movie soundtracks, auditory layer, cognitivism, neoformalism, aesthetics of sound, Władysław Tatarkiewicz, art, the concept of art, recreating reality, constructing forms, creativity, expression, aesthetic experience.

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