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Bez drogowskazu. Akademickie rozdroża – EBOOK

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The book critically analyses the academic reform of 2017-2020. The author observes the problems he described in his earlier texts (Academic Pictures Street, What Next? An Academic Dispute). In the texts collected in the volume, he adopts a more distant... czytaj więcej

Bez drogowskazu. Akademickie rozdroża – EBOOK

25,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2020
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1,37 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
No Signposts: At Academic Crossroads

The book deals critically with the academic reform in Polish universities 2017–2020. The author focuses on the problems raised in his earlier texts (The Hive: Academic Scenery and What Next? An Academic Dispute). In the present volume a more distant perspective is adopted, as the author concentrates on broad issues, fundamental for Polish universities and recently brought to the public debate: the post-war history (example: Warsaw University), the idea of European university (K. Jaspers), the significance of science & research (M.W. Grabski) and the role of academia in development of national culture (the debate at the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences). The book also includes an interview with a Polish student at a British university and the echo of the debates on the position of university professor: expectations vs. reality.

Keywords: Polish university, history of academic laws, higher education, university reform, university education, university idea.

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