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Pod presją nowoczesności. Władze Księstwa Warszawskiego wobec Żydów – EBOOK

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The book is the first attempt at a comprehensive description of the policy pursued by the authorities of the Duchy of Warsaw (1807-1815) towards the Jews. The Duchy was a state straddling two eras, torn between the feudal world and the 19th century’s... czytaj więcej

Pod presją nowoczesności. Władze Księstwa Warszawskiego wobec Żydów – EBOOK

51,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2021
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10,51 MB
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Praca naukowa
Under the Pressure of Modernity. The Authorities of the Duchy of Warsaw towards the Jews

The book is the first attempt at a comprehensive description of the policy pursued by the authorities of the Duchy of Warsaw (1807–1815) towards the Jews. The Duchy was a state straddling two eras, torn between the feudal world and the 19th century’s dreams of progress. It introduced mechanism of modern management, but the old ideas and social attitudes were still very much alive. It is this tension between new regulation and old habits that is the subject of this book. Referring to a broad selection of sources, this work analyses the ongoing debates the adopted regulations as well as the everyday administrative practice, thus portraying the dynamic of the Duchy’s Jewish policy.

The monograph has won the Professor Jerzy Skowronek Award and received third prize at the Józef A. Gierowski and Chone Shmeruk Award contest.

Keywords: Duchy of Warsaw, Jews, authorities of the Duchy of Warsaw and the Jews, modernisation, Napoleon.

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