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Emocjonalna historia wiedzy (XVII–XXI wiek) (EBOOK)

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The first Polish translation of the book written by one of the most important researchers in the world, studying the history of science and the history of knowledge. Françoise Waquet writes about the importance of emotions in creating science and about... czytaj więcej

Emocjonalna historia wiedzy (XVII–XXI wiek) (EBOOK)

64,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2024
Publication language:
Title of original:
Une histoire émotionnelle du savoir: XVIIe–XXIe siècle
Sobolewska Agnieszka (ORCID 0000-0002-2119-7215)
Number of page:
Method of publication:
Size of the file:
7,69 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
The Emotional History of Knowledge (17th–21st century)

The first Polish translation of the book written by one of the most important researchers in the world, studying the history of science and the history of knowledge. Françoise Waquet writes about the importance of emotions in creating science and about the science in the media, materialistic, physical and spatial context. The author observes the dilemmas, hopes and fears of scientists present in their everyday research work over the centuries, and proves that it is impossible to understand the history of science and research practices without considering the figure of a scientist, perceived not so much as a fully rational subject, but as constantly tormented by conflicting emotions and desires.

The book was co-financed by the publishing support programmes
of the Institut français.

Keywords: history of science, history of knowledge, scientists, researchers, emotions.

See other publications in the series: Communicare – historia i kultura »

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