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Spotkania. Teksty wybrane. Tom 3 (PDF)

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The last volume of the three-part series comprising works of professor Krzysztof Maurin – an eminent mathematician, the founder of the Polish School of Mathematical Physics, a philosopher and thinker – contains texts taken from the Author’s notes... czytaj więcej

Spotkania. Teksty wybrane. Tom 3 (PDF)

Krzysztof Maurin
Scientific editor: Napiórkowski Kazimierz
21,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2022
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4,19 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Meetings. Selected Works. Volume 3

The last volume of the three-part series comprising works of professor Krzysztof Maurin – an eminent mathematician, the founder of the Polish School of Mathematical Physics, a philosopher and thinker – contains texts taken from the Author’s notes. It includes, among others, such chapters as:
  • The Thinkers of the Eranos’ circle: Pauli, Jung, Corbin
  • Meeting Lars Garding
  • Meeting Hans Count Lehndorff
  • Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker
  • The Mystery of A Meeting

The chapters discuss the figures who were of utmost importance for Krzysztof Maurin. Why did he write about his meetings with them? The Professor used to say that a disciple does not have to search for the master, because when he matures, the master will appear. One cannnot help but wonder that the Author met these, not other, outstanding people.

Keywords: meeting, Kabbalah, quantum mechanics, symbol, mythos, archetype.

See other publications from the series »

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