Information about a product
Edition: | 1 |
Place and year of publication: | Warszawa 2022 |
Publication language: | polski |
ISBN/ISSN: | 0023-5938 |
EAN: | 977002359322303 |
Number of page: | 126 |
Binding: | Miękka |
Format: | 17x24 cm |
Weight: | 210 g |
Method of publication: | Druk |
Publication type: | Praca naukowa |
The issue is devoted to the problems of early childhood education presented in light of the scientific achievements of Professor Barbara Wilgocka-Okoń (1927-2022), who created a modern early childhood education teacher training program at the University of Warsaw and conducted research on the development and upbringing of children. She was particularly interested in preschool and early years pedagogy, especially in the areas of maturity and school readiness, the school’s requirements for the child and their family, and the support expected from the school.
The issue consists of 6 scientific articles in which researchers focus on the analysis and contemporary interpretation of the concept of maturity/school readiness, as well as the deconstruction and redefinition of the meaning of this process in theoretical and practical terms. The authors are Dorota Klus-Stańska, Ewa Filipiak, Małgorzata Żytko, Renata Michalak, Hanna Krauze-Sikorska and Jarosław Jendza.
Keywords: pre-school pedagogy, early school pedagogy, teacher training, Barbara Wilgocka-Okoń.
The issue consists of 6 scientific articles in which researchers focus on the analysis and contemporary interpretation of the concept of maturity/school readiness, as well as the deconstruction and redefinition of the meaning of this process in theoretical and practical terms. The authors are Dorota Klus-Stańska, Ewa Filipiak, Małgorzata Żytko, Renata Michalak, Hanna Krauze-Sikorska and Jarosław Jendza.
Keywords: pre-school pedagogy, early school pedagogy, teacher training, Barbara Wilgocka-Okoń.
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