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Struktura w antystrukturze. Szkice o karnawale i teatrze – PDF

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A collection of papers from the field of theatre and carnival studies, featuring sketches on tangible manifestations of carnival or theatre practices and the methods of studying them. The author sees theatre in the context of culture and communication... czytaj więcej

Struktura w antystrukturze. Szkice o karnawale i teatrze – PDF

Wojciech Dudzik
Place and year of publication: Warszawa 2013
35,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2013
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4,55 MB
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Praca naukowa
Structure in anti-structure. Sketches on carnival and theatre

A collection of papers from the field of theatre and carnival studies, featuring sketches on tangible manifestations of carnival or theatre practices and the methods of studying them. The author sees theatre in the context of culture and communication, but also anthropology and cultural studies. He treats carnival in a similar way, analysing these forms of human artistic and social activity using anthropological tools, both in traditional ethnographic perspective, and in the context of the anthropology of performance.

Keywords: theatre in cultural context, culture and communication, theatre studies, carnival, anthropology of performance.

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