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Polska polityka pieniężna i walutowa w latach 1924-1936. W systemie Gold Exchange Standard – PDF

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A historical and economic analysis of the monetary policy in Poland during the interwar period. A presentation of the factors determining its directions of development, including the principles of the gold exchange standard. The book portrays... czytaj więcej

Polska polityka pieniężna i walutowa w latach 1924-1936. W systemie Gold Exchange Standard – PDF

Cecylia Leszczyńska
59,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2013
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8,78 MB
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Praca naukowa
Polish monetary policy in the years 1924–1936. The gold exchange standard

A historical and economic analysis of the monetary policy in Poland during the interwar period. A presentation of the factors determining its directions of development, including the principles of the gold exchange standard. The book portrays the functioning of the gold standard in theory and the ensuing dilemmas that the monetary authorities of many countries were confronted with. An analysis of the sources of the fascination with the stability of currency and its macroeconomic effects, especially during the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Keywords: gold exchange standard, economic crisis of the 1930s, monetary policy, economic history.

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