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Między historią a pamięcią. Antologia – EBOOK

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An anthology of texts by Aleida Assmann that corresponds to a growing interest in memory studies in Poland. Assmann is one of the most distinguished contemporary representatives of memory studies, who is in addition interested in the issues of memory... czytaj więcej

Między historią a pamięcią. Antologia – EBOOK

39,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2013
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2,59 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Between history and memory: An anthology

An anthology of texts by Aleida Assmann that corresponds to a growing interest in memory studies in Poland. Assmann is one of the most distinguished contemporary representatives of memory studies, who is in addition interested in the issues of memory in Central Eastern Europe. The author combines theoretical reflection, based on an approach originating in literary and cultural studies, with case studies illustrating the transformations of memory after the Second World War. The texts collected in the first part of the book present various concepts and typologies of memory that can be directly applied in analysing phenomena of Polish culture, in the second – various aspects of German and European memory politics.

Keywords: memory, historical memory, memory studies.

See other publications in the series: Communicare – historia i kultura »

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