Information about a product
Edition: | 1 |
Place and year of publication: | Warszawa 2012 |
Publication language: | polski |
ISBN/ISSN: | 978-83-235-1085-7 |
EAN: | 9788323510857 |
Number of page: | 418 |
Size of the file: | 3,49 MB |
Publication type: | Praca naukowa |
DOI: | |
Victoria Victorious: Cultural Representations of the Queen
The book presents the continuing cultural significance of Queen Victoria (reign 1837-1901). Reinterpretations of the Queen’s biography serve as a starting point for the modern re-evaluation of the institution of monarchy, British imperialism and Victorian morality. Victoria becomes a fictionalised character, used by her admirers and critics alike to illustrate the virtues and vices of the 19th century.
Keywords: Queen Victoria, British culture of the 19th century, imperialism, Victorian morality, historical fiction
The book presents the continuing cultural significance of Queen Victoria (reign 1837-1901). Reinterpretations of the Queen’s biography serve as a starting point for the modern re-evaluation of the institution of monarchy, British imperialism and Victorian morality. Victoria becomes a fictionalised character, used by her admirers and critics alike to illustrate the virtues and vices of the 19th century.
Keywords: Queen Victoria, British culture of the 19th century, imperialism, Victorian morality, historical fiction
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