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Rozmowy z T.G. Masarykiem – PDF

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An unusual work, an important document portraying this scholar and politician in a light hitherto unknown in Poland. From conversations written down by Karel Čapek, a friend of the father of Czechoslovakia and a distinguished writer, we learn not only... czytaj więcej

Rozmowy z T.G. Masarykiem – PDF

Karel Čapek
Author: Čapek Karel
Place and year of publication: Warszawa 2014
39,00 zł
14.00 / 1egz.
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2014
Publication language:
Title of original:
Hovory s T.G. Masarykem
Godlewski Piotr
Number of page:
Size of the file:
15,39 MB
Publication type:
Praca popularnonaukowa
Conversations with T.G. Masaryk

An unusual work, an important document portraying this scholar and politician in a light hitherto unknown in Poland. From conversations written down by Karel Čapek, a friend of the father of Czechoslovakia and a distinguished writer, we learn not only about the childhood and youth of Masaryk but also about his philosophical and political beliefs, the things that guided him in life and in his work. The first publication of the book in Polish translation.

Keywords: Masaryk, Čapek, Czechoslovakia, secret service.

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