Information about a product
Edition: | 1 |
Place and year of publication: | Warszawa 2017 |
Publication language: | polski |
ISBN/ISSN: | 978-83-235-3097-8 |
EAN: | 9788323530978 |
Number of page: | 334 |
Binding: | Miękka |
Format: | 17x24 cm |
Weight: | 525 g |
Publication type: | Praca naukowa |
DOI: | |
Buying Hope. The Lottery in the Kingdom of Poland (1815–1867)
The publication is devoted to the topic of lottery in the Kingdom of Poland of the constitutional and autonomous period (1815–1867). The first documented lotteries on the Polish lands were held in 1748. Then the lottery management was taken over by the state and the lotteries became the source of the state revenues. But the lottery is an issue not only from the field of finances. Its social functions are very important. The lottery fulfilled an entertaining role and primarily it gave an illusory chance for growing rich.
Keywords: lottery, Kingdom of Poland, Lottery Directorate, Lottery Office, Commission of Revenue and Treasury.
See other publications in the series: Historical Series »
The publication is devoted to the topic of lottery in the Kingdom of Poland of the constitutional and autonomous period (1815–1867). The first documented lotteries on the Polish lands were held in 1748. Then the lottery management was taken over by the state and the lotteries became the source of the state revenues. But the lottery is an issue not only from the field of finances. Its social functions are very important. The lottery fulfilled an entertaining role and primarily it gave an illusory chance for growing rich.
Keywords: lottery, Kingdom of Poland, Lottery Directorate, Lottery Office, Commission of Revenue and Treasury.
See other publications in the series: Historical Series »
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