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Dwa systemy emocji i ich konsekwencje dla procesów poznawczych. Nowe podejście do zrozumienia związków emocji i poznania oraz umysłu jako całości – EBOOK

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The book discusses a new model of interaction of emotions and cognitive processes explaining the relationships between them... czytaj więcej

Dwa systemy emocji i ich konsekwencje dla procesów poznawczych. Nowe podejście do zrozumienia związków emocji i poznania oraz umysłu jako całości – EBOOK

Kamil K. Imbir
Date of realise: 2018-03-22
Place and year of publication: Warszawa 2018
34,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2018
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3,18 MB
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Praca naukowa
Two Systems of Emotions and Their Consequences for Cognitive Processes. A New Approach to Understanding the Relationships Between Emotions and Cognition and the Mind as a Whole

The book discusses a new model of interaction of emotions and cognitive processes explaining the relationships between them from the perspective of dual-system theories describing the mind’s operation in terms of automatic and controlled processes. The author presents the results of his own behavioral studies and neurophysiological measurements, which prove that emotions can lead to the deterioration or improvement of cognitive functioning.

Keywords: heuristic processing, systematic processing, automatic emotions, reflective emotions, cognitive processes, duality of emotions.

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