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Czy książki wywołują rewolucje? Szkice z historii książki, lektury i kultury piśmiennej – EBOOK

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A selection of texts by a French historian Roger Chartier, concerning the history of books and reading. The author focuses on the changes in literate culture and its contemporary adaptations. The publication also contains Chartier’s thoughts on reading... czytaj więcej

Czy książki wywołują rewolucje? Szkice z historii książki, lektury i kultury piśmiennej – EBOOK

Roger Chartier. Redakcja naukowa i posłowie Paweł Rodak
Name of the series / journal: Communicare – historia i kultura
Scientific editor: Rodak Paweł
Date of realise: 2019-11-20
37,00 zł
14.00 / 1egz.
You save 62% (23,00 zł).
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2019
Publication language:
Dawidowicz-Chymkowska Olga
Leyk Anna
Rodak Magda
Stryjczyk Joanna
Number of page:
Size of the file:
0,77 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Do Books Make Revolutions?

A selection of texts by a French historian Roger Chartier, concerning the history of books and reading. The author focuses on the changes in literate culture and its contemporary adaptations. The publication also contains Chartier’s thoughts on reading in the time of electronic texts and his comments about the social impact of books.

Keywords: the history of books, the history of reading, literate culture, electronic books.

See other books in the series: Communicare – historia i kultura »

The book was published thanks to the funding of the French Institute in Poland as part of the Boy-Żeleński Publishing Support Program.

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