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Język w działaniu i działania na języku. Szkice semantyczno-słowotwórcze – EBOOK

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The book comprises 16 articles concerning word formation and lexical semantics, representative of the Author’s forty-year work. The articles tackle theoretical issues, classifications, methods of description within the adopted framework, they also provide... czytaj więcej

Język w działaniu i działania na języku. Szkice semantyczno-słowotwórcze – EBOOK

39,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2021
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1,55 MB
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Praca naukowa
Language at work – working on a language. Studies in semantics and word formation

The book comprises 16 articles concerning word formation and lexical semantics, representative of the Author’s forty-year work. The articles tackle theoretical issues, classifications, methods of description within the adopted framework, they also provide analyses of selected problems, illustrated with ample data excerpted from dictionaries and corpora. The book holds particular interest to anyone concerned with the contemporary Polish language, as well as to specialists in Polish philology or Slavic studies.

Keywords: language, image, semantics, word formation, neologisms, consciousness.

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