Information about a product
Edition: | 1 |
Place and year of publication: | Warszawa 2021 |
Publication language: | polski |
ISBN/ISSN: | 978-83-235-5102-7 |
EAN: | 9788323551027 |
Number of page: | 172 |
Binding: | Twarda |
Format: | 14,8x21 cm |
Weight: | 330 g |
Method of publication: | Druk |
Publication type: | Praca naukowa |
DOI: | |
Linguistics à la inter. Status and prospects of interdisciplinary research
The interest of linguists in research findings from various fields of humanities and natural sciences is not waning. It has increased in recent years, inter alia, as a result of new ministerial regulations providing opportunities for more flexible evaluation of researchers and academic units. However, this interest stems primarily from the subject of linguistics itself. Linguists, having as their subject the linguistic and communicative properties of humans, cannot do without systematically following the results and research methods applied by the representatives of even those disciplines that only marginally take into account human beings, their genesis, nature, goals, or social functions.
The interdisciplinary research involved here is simply natural for contemporary linguists. It is not easy to comprehensively present the initiatives resulting from such research in a single publication. The content of this work deals primarily with research that enjoys full acceptance in contemporary linguistic discourse. It is also full of innovative reflections on a number of relationships conceivable between linguistics and other sciences. These relationships are dealt with by the authors in the subject areas they have outlined.
Keywords: philosophy, terminology, law, neuroscience, translation studies, culture, language.
See other publications in the series: Forum Semantyczne »
The interest of linguists in research findings from various fields of humanities and natural sciences is not waning. It has increased in recent years, inter alia, as a result of new ministerial regulations providing opportunities for more flexible evaluation of researchers and academic units. However, this interest stems primarily from the subject of linguistics itself. Linguists, having as their subject the linguistic and communicative properties of humans, cannot do without systematically following the results and research methods applied by the representatives of even those disciplines that only marginally take into account human beings, their genesis, nature, goals, or social functions.
The interdisciplinary research involved here is simply natural for contemporary linguists. It is not easy to comprehensively present the initiatives resulting from such research in a single publication. The content of this work deals primarily with research that enjoys full acceptance in contemporary linguistic discourse. It is also full of innovative reflections on a number of relationships conceivable between linguistics and other sciences. These relationships are dealt with by the authors in the subject areas they have outlined.
Keywords: philosophy, terminology, law, neuroscience, translation studies, culture, language.
See other publications in the series: Forum Semantyczne »
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Interdyscyplinarne pomosty między językoznawstwem a prawem w lingwistyce kryminalistycznej
Marta Kaliska,
Język obcy – kultura (nie)obca: modele nauczania kultury w glottodydaktyce
Anna Bajerowska,
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Grzegorz Pawłowski,
O relacjach. Lingwistyka wobec innych dziedzin nauki – wprowadzenie
Anna Małgorzewicz,
Polska nauka o translacji – stan obecny i perspektywy rozwoju dyscypliny. Od wielodyscyplinowości do inter- i transdyscyplinarności
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Joanna Osiejewicz,
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Piotr Nagórka,
Terminologia a relacje interdyscyplinarne
Interdyscyplinarne pomosty między językoznawstwem a prawem w lingwistyce kryminalistycznej
Marta Kaliska,
Język obcy – kultura (nie)obca: modele nauczania kultury w glottodydaktyce
Anna Bajerowska,
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Grzegorz Pawłowski,
O relacjach. Lingwistyka wobec innych dziedzin nauki – wprowadzenie
Anna Małgorzewicz,
Polska nauka o translacji – stan obecny i perspektywy rozwoju dyscypliny. Od wielodyscyplinowości do inter- i transdyscyplinarności
Ewa Żebrowska,
Pomiędzy językoznawstwem a filozofią
Joanna Osiejewicz,
Prawo do języka i prawo do sądu. Koncepcja kształcenia tłumaczy w Unii Europejskiej metodą streszczeń korpusowych
Piotr Nagórka,
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