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Muzyczne przygody gustu ludowego. O społecznym funkcjonowaniu polskiej muzyki popularnej po 1956 r.

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The author discusses the problem of the so-called low circulation of contemporary Polish popular music (music released on flexi discs, wedding music, a broad range of amateur music production, football chants, amateur rock music). He analyses music tastes... czytaj więcej

Muzyczne przygody gustu ludowego. O społecznym funkcjonowaniu polskiej muzyki popularnej po 1956 r.

32,00 zł
28.80 / 1egz.
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2021
Publication language:
Number of page:
Miękka ze skrzydełkami
14,5x20,5 cm
305 g
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
The Musical Adventures of Folk Taste. Polish Popular Music in Society After 1956

The author discusses the problem of the so-called low circulation of contemporary Polish popular music (music released on flexi discs, wedding music, a broad range of amateur music production, football chants, amateur rock music). He analyses music tastes of the Polish working class and the social functioning of genres and styles of music, characteristic of these tastes, reflecting on the crucial moments in cultural policy and the most important turning points in history: “Polish thaw” in 1956, the consequences of the 1968 events, the indigenous model of mass culture in the 1970s, the situation after the martial law and the transformation of the political system in 1989.

Keywords: mass culture, popular music, music taste, popular taste, flexi discs, disco polo.

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