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O sztuce na Titanicu. Rozmowy ze Sławomirem Marcem

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The book explores the entanglements of modern art resulting from the condition of late postmodernism. It is written in the form of a “lively”, formally open, philosophical and artistic dialogue, whose participants – a philosopher and a philosophizing... czytaj więcej

O sztuce na Titanicu. Rozmowy ze Sławomirem Marcem

33,00 zł
29.70 / 1egz.
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2022
Publication language:
Number of page:
Miękka ze skrzydełkami
14,5x20,5 cm
295 g
Method of publication:
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
On Art on the Titanic. Talks with Sławomir Marzec

The book explores the entanglements of modern art resulting from the condition of late postmodernism. It is written in the form of a “lively”, formally open, philosophical and artistic dialogue, whose participants – a philosopher and a philosophizing artist – draw on selected examples of artistic practices to discuss the artistic strategies and philosophical problems which shape the field of today’s art. They analyze in depth a number of phenomena in modern art, and by relating them to philosophical interpretative contexts, throw light on a wide range of subjects. Maintaining due care for scholarly method, they go beyond traditional “treatise-monologue” forms of philosophical expression so as to make the book more appealing and approachable for a wider audience of readers interested in both art. And the humanities.

Keywords: modern art, avant-garde, late postmodernism, phenomenology of art, artistic crticism.

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